For today's post during the Blogember challenge - to post every day during the month of November - the subject is my five favorite apps.
1. Instagram - my real favorite for sharing photos, tracking progress, following other posters with the ability to filter and enhance. I follow cool people and they share their lives little moments too!
2. iMDb - I just love this app when watching a movie, tv or when I have a question that needs answering about movies, tv and music. Just love it!
3. Pinterest - yes, for my phone too. I love Pinterest and the app allows me easy access and ability to update boards from anywhere!
4. Color Effects - another photo app that allows enhancements. Use it infrequently, but when I need it, I love it!~
5. Scrabble - I love my scrabble! Play it for real on the deluxe board version, online whenever I'm able and on the app from my phone. Couldn't live without it!
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