As I continue down the Blogember challenge of blogging every day during the month of November, today I will share my five favorite blogs.
1. Hannah Brencher. Many months ago someone shared a post of Hannah's that touched me deeply. It was 25 Things Every Woman Should Know and I still go back and read it to remember. And since her blog was shared with me I find a kinship in someone who feels so deeply, and shares so willing!
2. In Sock Monkey Slippers. Love her photos, recipes and creativity. It makes me want to get back into the kitchen and keep at it. She's full of great ideas, and I need to make more of her suggestions!
3. Awesomely Awake is a place I go to recharge as a mom, wife, friend and woman! Great ideas to keep kids engaged and happy. Great advice for staying on track and being the mom you aspire to be.
4. Juggling with Julia is a nutritionist and mom sharing healthy recipes. She's also the very first person I was paired with for the Foodie Pen Pal organized by Lindsey at The Lean Green Bean! It was a good pairing and we swapped stories, recipes and she was the recipient of my food box.
5. Running Escapades. And of course, I have a favorite running blog! And many of the running bloggers I follow on twitter for continued motivation. Amy C is funny, always smiling and makes me believe I can do this too!
I began blogging to hold myself accountable for my running and healthy lifestyle choices. As many of you know, this is just part of the master plan. It continues to give me a place to share my successes and my challenges. Even without an audience, it feels as though when I put out the good and the bad it makes them part of my story. And for that reason, I continue!
25 Things is a great list! Checking out your other suggestions now!