That's the quote. For today. And most days I need reminding. Breath. Let it go!
Yesterday I had an awesome coaching session with a teacher, athlete, mentor, friend. He taught me about energy and how to think about balancing: Mental, Physical, Emotional and Spiritual energy.
He suggested books and articles and I'm eager to learn more.
When it comes right down to it, everything is made up of energy. Including me. And balancing that energy - or at least being aware that balancing that energy is an option - could really go a long way!
Physical energy is easy to understand, right? We move, we walk, we run …
Mental energy is what exert when we think, solve, process information.
Emotional energy is how we express ourselves, connect to others or communicate through our emotions. Can be self-confidence, self-discipline, sociability and empathy.
Spiritual energy is your connection to your purpose, your values and your sense of purpose. That's the quiet one for me. The inner connection to self.
So as mush as physical energy is expressed through a run, spiritual energy can be found through a meditation. Imagine when it is balanced - a walk through a forest. That really makes sense to me.
Today I will continue the research how to better balance my energy by learning what makes sense to me. The beauty of self-discovery is that it is on my terms and digested on my timeline.
So to connect the blog to the theme for today's BLOGEMBER post, this quote is me. Breathing, and letting go!
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