Today's post for Blogember - the commitment to blog each day during the month of November is about choosing my happiest year in Elementary school and why.
Elementary school is much of a blur of school and teachers that largely run together, with the exception of a few moments that stand out with ringing clarity.
The year I was in second grade was marked with another change to Division Street School and blessed with Mrs. Barbara Chubb as my teacher. I'm not sure I'd call it idyllic, yet by all other signs it appeared to be a quite normal school year. Until my father 'got sick' in February and died in early June before the end of that school year.
And then the world changed. Immediately.
I recall an instant change in responsibility and how life as I knew it would never, ever be the same.
I would not call that my happiest year. I would call that my most life-changing. Would first grade be my happiest because it was the last school year I had my father as a part of my life? At the time I didn't know that … who would think THIS could be the last time? The last report card, school project, Christmas concert he'd ever see from me?
I'm not sure I had a happiest year in Elementary School. But I don't look back with dread. What I do is ensure that my second grader is having an awesome year and I am loving every project, concert, book report and teacher conference that is part of the school year!
So my happiest year in Elementary school is my daughter's - this year! I don't compare myself to her, as so many things are different - and she's very much enjoying this time in her life. I love her fully and completely - for everything she is - and all that she hopes to be one day! Those are my happiest days!
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