Here we are at Day 10 of Blogember - the challenge to blog each day during the month of November with the topic, 'a time when I felt unstoppable'.
When I think back over my forty-something years, as with many others, I find a collection of happy, frustrating, sad, euphoric and surprising moments. Some times are more memorable than others, and some are ones I struggle to make sense of as well.
As I was sorting through all those moments I came to the conclusion there is no other time that I felt more unstoppable than I do right now. Perhaps it's age and my memory is fading, or perhaps with age comes the wisdom to know that I choose the thoughts and actions that will dictate my life.
Do I run everyday? No.
Do I eat healthy every meal? Nope.
And yet ..
Do I have an awesome husband who makes me laugh, loves me in spite of my shortcomings and still holds my hand at all the right times? Yup.
Do I have an amazing daughter who continues to amaze me with her wit, humor and upbeat attitude? Sure do.
Do I have amazing friends that continue to share stories, laughter, meals, advice and companionship? You bet.
Do I have a job that fulfills me, provides a good income and allows me to grow as an individual and develop meaningful relationships? I really do.
So when I sat back and thought about, right now is a time that I feel unstoppable! I run when I can fit it in, I eat/cook healthy as best I'm able and I read, meditate, bake when I'm alone - and most of all am healthy, and have a family around me to loves me. Boy, I gotta say - I'm feeling pretty unstoppable!
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