I'm thrilled to have my new Saucony this morning to get a few miles in before the rest of the day begins. They feel good, and better than that my feet feel good too.
As I was expressing my excitement yesterday for saying goodbye to blisters and hello to the miles of road therapy ahead, I experienced a big ah-ha. These miles to me are truly therapy. And these days I can use it. I find that I'm constantly reminding myself that each of us is fighting a battle inside. We don't know of each other's battles. Yet we know of our own and those aren't always easy ...
And as a way to think mine through, I find the miles are like therapy. Without the validating voice across the room. That voice is this case is the one in my head. And the sound of my feet hitting the ground.
With each passing mile it seems to provide a clearer path, a more enlightened view of how to deal with all those thoughts. It's amazing what those miles can do for me. And now I'm so glad to have all that to look forward to doing.
Like in running, the problems don't all have to solved in one fell swoop. They happen with smaller steps. Manageable actions strung together. Just like miles come together with a series of steps. And as the miles pass, the problems seem to become clearer - and certainly less severe. Perhaps better yet, more manageable!
Road therapy. Get out and try some.
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