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Sometimes you need to rest

I have been nursing a sore, aching lower back without relief from ibuprofen.  And in my desire to solve the cause, I determined I need to take a few days off from the treadmill in order to get things back in good working order.  It bothered me to have to take a rest.  I didn't like that the momentum I had built was going to lose steam.

And then I took a breath.  Was all this worry worth injury?  Or contributing to further injury of my back?  Of course not.

So I took the weekend off.  And to be honest did a bit of exploring and walking with my family instead.  We found places in our new city that we hadn't seen before and walked.  By no means am I suggesting that it was a workout, and yet it allowed me to move without the pressure of 'miles to complete'.

Sometimes you need to rest.

That time for me was this weekend.  And when I got back on the treadmill this morning, I was pain free and able to get my miles in early.  It was worth taking a breath and letting it go in order to move forward whole.

Listen to your body.  Listen to your heart.


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