There is something to be said for the making of new friends at this age in life. Not that I'm saying I'm old, I'm just saying that it doesn't happen as easily as it used when I was younger. Seems like when we were back in school things were simpler. You saw the same people every day, all day long and you had that in common.
Today we make friends at work, yet many times that ends when the work day ends. People have other commitments and family that take time and attention which don't allow for the same type of social life.
Yet there are times when a new person just clicks with you. Or better yet a new group that you just fall into without hesitation. That real connection is something to be treasured. It's the ability to make new friends as an adult, with adult conversations.
There conversations can lead you places that validate you and sustain you. They connect you to the world of people with similar roles as you: parent, spouse, sister, daughter, employee. And the ability to exchange stories and share advice makes these relationships an truly important part of the grown up experience.
Having moved twice in the last five years to different states has been a blessing and a curse. It forced me to let go of the every day, work friends and even the ones who lived close by and have remained close since childhood. And it allowed opportunity for new friends to be made.
And then that comes with a whole different set of challenges. How do you just become friends in a new location? Do you ask someone to be your friend? How does this work?
You know what? You have to be open to it, find people who you have things in common with and take it slowly. It's not like asking someone on a date! It's really about deciding if it's someone you want to spend time with - and maybe even for your families to spend time together. This involves kids and spouses and how will they all get along?
Sometimes it just works! And I'm really glad when it does!
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