I find myself in an interesting situation where we are snowed in with over nine inches of new snow and sub-zero temperatures and fierce winds. Sunday was all about making soup, bread and roasting vegetables for the week. I didn't venture outside whatsoever.
And then the call came that the area is pretty well shut down on Monday. School, public buildings, even my place of employment … a bonus day! An extra day to the weekend that comes without an commitment or obligation to complete anything. Now that's not something that happens all the time - rarely is more the case.
What do I do with this new bonus day? I'd only imagined that these days would be granted in the past. And now I have one upon me. Oh, the opportunity for adventure .. well, that is, adventure that must take place within my home.
There's all those books I could make progress on, my knitting, spending even more 'weekend' time with my daughter … all those choices.
Choices are funny things, you know? We make so many of them every day, every moment. So many of them we take for granted, or do out of habit without much decision involved. What happens when you have big decisions to make? Ones that take resolve and reflection to play out the end game. Those are some big choices.
Sometimes those kind of choices are not ready to be made as a decision point, but an evolution of the actions and decisions as you go about your daily life. Those are really the ones that matter.
Choices are good. Choose wisely! You've only got this one life to live ...
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