Is there a place in my life where self-doubt has taken over? Perhaps not taken over but continues to rear it's ugly head and cause discomfort? Not an uninteresting question, that's for sure.
My inability to be confident in me being enough. My being accepted.
From the opposite side of that coin is - not being enough and not being accepted. Those are so scary to think about - and yet I'm pretty sure it's what holds me back from opportunities, conversations and perhaps even joy.
It's fear. Isn't that what self-doubt is .. fear of not being viewed as I see myself. And yet when does the rest of the world no longer matter? As it is likely that everyone must be challenged in some way or another with this self-doubt.
How can I work through being enough? Who am I afraid I am not enough for? Does that person/people matter? Will that change my behavior? Make me want to do things differently? To be honest, 'no' it won't.
So if I continue to hone skills of resourcefulness and self-love - I'm pretty sure I can overcome this.
Will set my wheels in motion to find ways to practice self-love. One of the activities from the Blogember activities was write yourself a love letter. And my centered around I am enough! Hmmm. I should go re-read that one and make sure I understand and believe it!
I am enough!
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