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Miracle of a Faith Community

On a Sunday it seems fitting to have the miracle of community present itself to me .. and it did, in multiple ways.  As described yesterday we had a winter storm overnight Friday into Saturday dropping just over six inches of snow!  Saturday was a clearing out day to get to the activities of a normal Saturday - especially 10 days before Christmas!

Sunday was different.  There was the community of church that unites us in a common faith, a common worship and for me a common place once a week to come together as a family.  A family bigger than the two people I live with … and we talked about the anticipation of Christmas through the Advent season.  My daughter, at seven, is all in.  She believes in God, Santa, chocolate chip pancakes and the love of her parents to see her through anything.  She's a daily miracle - but on Sunday the entire community felt supportive and united in the same feeling.

As we went home there were more families that had ventured outside to enjoy the winter weather.  The snow was shoveled, the driveways cleared, and now was time to enjoy it!  The sun was out and the kids ran around their snowmen built the day before.

There was a community within our neighborhood that came together in celebration of being outside again - enjoying the beauty of nature!  And, again, just ten days before Christmas!

The people united are a miracle.
The beauty of the snow is a miracle.
The wondrous anticipation of Christmas is a miracle seed planted to sprout at exactly the right time.

Oh, I just can't wait!


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