I've been fortunate to be able to find a miracle every day during the month of December. As I record them the day after they occurred, yesterday marked twenty-eight days - in a row. That's quite a feat, if I do say so myself. And to honest, some days have been harder than others. Is that because I didn't look hard enough, or because I was supposed to look harder. Or that in the end the miracle was quiet and subtle - only revealing itself in my reflection back on the day ….
In any event, I've been able to record one for each day during the month of December. And this practice has taught me things I didn't realize about myself. I'm known for my optimism, and finding the bright spot or the opportunity for learning in what comes my way, that much I knew. What I learned was deeper than that. Seems when I chose to focus finding a miracle and shared it within my circle, they too, were focused on the miracle … weird, huh?
In a way that was part of the motivation to keep going when it got more difficult to find a miracle. There was a built-in accountability to this - not only for myself, but for those that mean the most - the ones who have continued to ask me 'what was your miracle yesterday?'.
So this I have deemed as the miracle to continue, to have the fortitude to make this commitment stick. And to finish strong ...
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