This journey of finding a miracle for each day during the month of December has come with a different set of challenges than I anticipated. Many questions have surfaced ...
What is a miracle?
Will it be miraculous enough to make note of?
Does it really matter if I find one today?
Will it always involve people, and how my relationships continue to amaze me?
These miracles have become a thread that runs through the season, weaving people into sustainable relationships. And isn't that the only thing that really matters?
Yesterday I found myself in a cranky, overtired, vulnerable and although I hate to admit it, in a paranoid and fearful space. When communication with a person, rather important to me, didn't transpire the way I wanted I became defensive and went into assuming mode. I recognized the behavior and knew I had to find a coping technique.
I drank water, no more coffee. I had something to eat. I found a friend who could make me laugh. And then I rested. Closed my eyes for 15 minutes. And as the mood lifted I returned to myself. I then found joy in the day. With that came a sense of peace. When I received an upbeat message from this important person I was relieved and it reminded me (AGAIN) not to jump to conclusions. And not allow my mood, based on lack of sleep, to dictate my interactions.
Where's the miracle?
Oh it's in there. I know I felt it. As the day progressed I lightened … I felt a sense of peace that I truly considered the miracle .. considering the way I started the day.
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