In my quest to find a miracle each day, I shared my mission with my husband on Sunday morning. Knowing that Sunday was December 1st, start of a new month, the first day of Advent and a Sunday made it quiet a miraculous event for me.
So sitting in church between my husband and daughter, listening to her say her prayers and practice the hymns I felt incredibly blessed and grateful. It was a very peaceful morning, and as during one of the quiet moments I leaned over to my husband and said, "its only fitting that you are the first miracle."
He smiled and said, 'isn't that cheating?"
"No," I said, 'you were the turning point when life changed for me. I consider what you and I have - to be a miracle!"
Not wanting to keep talking in church, he smiled again and nodded his head in a gesture of agreement.
I often say I must have really paid my dues along the way to be able to stay married to a man like my husband. No, he's not perfect - but that's not really the goal. He's incredibly kind, funny and generous. I couldn't imagine a more loving and nurturing father for our daughter. And when the day is done, the only place I ever want to be is next to him - even in the silence - knowing he's there is comforting.
Its like the manger in the cold, dark night. A place where the holy family could find respite and be themselves - and what's more real than the birth of a child - another miracle. My husband is my respite, my warm place on a cold night and the beginning of what's been a string a miracles that we call a life!
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