Today I woke with an achey back. Not exactly sure why, but decided against the virtual 5K opting for a walk instead. In nearly an hour I walked 3.5 miles and although it was not fast, it was consistent. And for that I'm proud of myself.
I spent most of the day in the kitchen preparing for what's left of the week. Roasting vegetables - sweet potatoes, cauliflower, acorn squash. Making Egg Muffins that I just learned about this week from reading a blog about fitness and nutrition. They were amazing! Thank you to Shannon Jay Dougherty for sharing such an awesome recipe.
I made Steel Cut Oats, Couscous, green beans and cut up celery and carrots for snacks and lunches, and made black-eyed peas with spinach for dinner! WHEW!
Today is back to reality ... work, school, making lunches, dinners, making sure I fit a run in and back to studying for a test on February 11th.
I've also taken on the onelittleword concept. Ali Edwards blog does a great job of helping get to your word. My word is PURPOSE. 2013 will be filled with purpose, and purposeful action moving toward the 3 goals I've given myself. More to come on that!
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