Inspired by another blogger, Running For Dummies who 'bared it all', I'm in the same boat so here goes ....
I began this blogging experience to hold myself accountable to my intentions and goals as well as to track my progress. It's not as though I have any readers, well, except Jason but I'm pretty sure that's just because I agreed to read his when he starts one.
But I digress.....
Yes, I struggle with how to make this all work. Balance - purpose - you name it. I'm a wife and a mother who works full-time at a job I love. I continually strive to exercise daily and eat healthy consistently .. but let's just say there are days I struggle.
I'd started the year SO well. Three weeks of lots of miles - 25, 18, 18 .. and then last week 3! If I can squeak out 5 today that will be 8. But way short of my goal of 18-20 miles/week. And for that I beat myself up!
There is a wise woman with whom I share stories of challenges and successes at work. She's also a working mom, with a stay-at-home husband who eats french fries daily and says the basement is too cold to use the elliptical. And yet she is petite and slim. She told me once that balance doesn't occur on a daily basis, sometimes it happens over years!
WOW! How come I can't feel balanced at the end of the day, or even the week??? Because that's not how life works. We have to just keep on, keeping on!
And I live with the pressure I put on myself to succeed! I look at my goal of 25 pounds by May 31 and think, "Wow, it's only 3.5 pounds so far this month! I'll never get there!"
But in my heart I know I need to keep trying! Even though this week was only 3 miles, next week already looks more optimistic. Less activities to keep me from my goal ....
So I'll stumble and fall. Maybe that will happen every week. But what is the alternative? To give up entirely? No, not me. I'll take the two steps forward, one step back method. Slow and steady wins the race ... and the great part is that I'm the only one in MY race! So I'm destined to win!!!
Goals are necessary, but don't let yourself get buried in the negatives if you achieve less than have still achieved! "only 3.5 pounds so far" is the same as "wow, 3.5 pounds!" and "only 3 miles this week" is equal to "Hey, 3 miles, yay!" Attitude is essential in running, and in life - you are headed in the right direction!