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Space between

After having a restart on my treadmill plan, getting new Saucony shoes, new socks and even a new FitBit to travel activity .. I'm still stalled!  This time it's dealing with blisters and headaches!  I have developed these awful blood blisters on two toes and it's frustrating me.  I have the medicated pads to use to cushion and treat them .. and still I'm not back up to speed.

I'm realizing there are times to just let go.  To allow things to happen in their own time.  And this is one of those times.  There are times to let people go.  And I've done some of that too.  And boy, would the running help ease that issue at this point.  Yet here I am.

I read a really great passage lately.  It suggested that Let It Go could really just mean Let It Be.  And therefore there is no action other than to relax and allow the situation to flow through you.  The other concept I've been helping my team remember lately is what is within your control.  There are just so many things that are outside our control, let's remember what is within our control and deal with that.

Today I will breathe, move, laugh, learn and share.  That will be my main goal.  And it will be exactly what I need.  At the end of the day I hope to have my 10,000 steps complete, to have laughed with family and friends and to believe I did the very best I could do.

Most of all, at the end of the day, I hope to have been successfully in my effort to Let It Be.


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