So I'm enough. Yup, that we've determined. And of course that works great when I decided in a vacuum and called out why I am enough ... but what happens when a friend lets you down. What happens when you're disappointed by someone who you gave freely and fully of yourself?
Hmmm, good one.
Just because they didn't respond in kind, doesn't mean that I'm not enough. I am enough. For me. Not for the world, friends, family and foes to judge and decide. That's the part that doesn't matter. I'm not trying to be enough for them .. they have to carry their own load, right? I think so too.
As I remind my darling daughter, respond from a kind and caring heart. I will do this too. To the friend who is struggling with decisions and finding kindness to give. I'll give some to you - from my kind and caring heart. Cause you know what? I am enough!
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