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Long Weekend!

I've celebrated having 4 days off in a row by getting back to running and making great food in the kitchen.  Also had to put some time in studying, and I'm feeling pretty good about that progress too!

With the husband off to a poker night on Saturday I found myself with quiet time without the dreaded t.v. on so I pulled out a couple books that I was determined to finish ... which I did.  And when I completed those I reached for a new one, "The Runner's Guide to the Meaning of Life," by Amby Burfoot.

He wrote chapters about running and paralleled them with life.  It was great use of association. The first chapter that allowed me to think differently was the one on Starting Lines.  "Beginnings are like that - both frightening and rewarding....Starting lines are the most important stations in life.  We need to do more than avoid them. We need to actively seek them out.  Otherwise we grow stagnant..."

The other chapter that just made sense to me was the one about listening.  He details why he doesn't believe in running with headphones and how the sound of his feet hitting the pavement is enough for him.  I'm a treadmill runner for many reasons - and I love my music.  Yet the lesson for him is much deeper.  It's about listening to your inner voice.

"Running, of course, teaches us to move on.  There is always another day, another workout, another mile, another race.  But more importantly, it teach us to listen to ourselves and believe in ourselves."




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