Today was DAY TWO of making decisions for me that involve good eating, mindful choices and a good run. I can say that after several weeks away I felt yesterday's run when I got out of bed this morning. And that hasn't happened in awhile.
But I ran three miles again today. I did it! As I sit and type, add my mileage to I feel better than I did on Sunday. Better than I did last week. And that's because I choose to not make excuses and JUST RUN!
Proud that I'm using my time for better meal planning, packing lunches and enjoying the journey.
I had a wonderful chat with a co-worker today about work and home life. She said, 'I'm close to 50 now and I choose to have a quality life outside of work. That's the part that matters!" I knew exactly what she meant. I love my job, the people I work with and the life it allows. And I also know that how I choose to spend my time is in direct proportion to how I feel.
Run. Laugh. Eat. Repeat.
And throw in hugs and kisses from my husband and daughter and the entire day is complete!
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