And now the second book that has helped me on my path .. 10% Happier by Dan Harris is his experience with meditation. He is humorous, witty and truly honest. It makes my meditation practice feel much more normal than I expected. He's got a voice that reminds me that none of this is perfect. What matters is that we keep going.
Interesting, that's what I learned through Carry On, Warrior. Common theme ...
And the real life changer for me was the discovery on my phone to enable my meditation practice. I have a timer! Who knew! Apparently everyone else but me. Great thing is, now I'm using it during my meditation. I began setting it for five minutes the first few days, and then moved to 10 and now 15 minutes. I have the timer set with the "Twinkle" chime which is not disruptive, but gently reminds me that the time is now complete.
The first time I used it I set for five minutes, closed my eyes and took a breath. Within seconds I wondered would the alarm work? Should I have tested it without meditating? Oh no, I have my phone on silence, would the alarm still work? I mean, out loud? Talk about monkey mind - and yet when the chime went off at the five minute mark I was remarkably surprised how quickly the time went by.
So two more life changers are this book and the timer on my phone. This may exclusively change my entire meditation practice. When I shared the find on my phone with my daughter, she is now convinced that she too, must meditate with me to hear the chime!
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