If I thought July 26th felt weird, now it's August 3rd and it seems as though the summer is flying by. As everyone else's summer, ours too has been busy, stressful, frustrating and rewarding. I'm trying to focus on remembering what is in my control and put aside what is not. For me, that's not easy!
I've also had the opportunity to be brave, take chances and risk leaving my safe spot. That too is terrifying and rewarding. Sometimes the reward doesn't come for quite some time AFTER the risk. But I need to keep practicing.
For a long time I've appreciated a passage from Spoon River Analogy, George Gray. It reminds me that although the shore is safe from storms, a ship is made to sail ..... That in order to reap the reward of the wind in your face and the spray of the ocean you must take chances and leave the safety of the shore.
So this is what I intend to do. I have several in flight things going on in my professional life ... and in order to proceed they take courage and wisdom. Some days I seem to have plenty, and other days I need a pep talk.
This much I know: I lead the way I parent. And to do that well you must have good intentions, and good instincts. As I prepare for the next leg of the journey, I remind myself of the three qualities I carry with me: Courage, Confidence and Caring.
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