Yesterday after two weeks of waiting, I learned I didn't get the job. That's okay i still have one that I really like, right? Yup, I took the traditional 10 minutes to pout, grieve and shed a tear before moving on. The best part was sharing with people that I currently work with that I didn't get it and several responded, 'whew, that means you're staying? Good for us!" So this isn't an ending, just a minor blip. Interesting week to say the least, I missed two days of running with a sore knee and ankle after a spill in the parking lot on the way into the office on Thursday. Yikes, that was scary. At least I didn't hit my chin! Bit of road rash on my knee and ankle, some Advil and ice and I should be good to go. I'm happy to have a long weekend to get my intentions for next week in order, and return on Tuesday ready to make a difference. Yup, that's what I'll do.