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Showing posts from August, 2013

So, I didn't get the job.

Yesterday after two weeks of waiting, I learned I didn't get the job.  That's okay i still have one that I really like, right? Yup, I took the traditional 10 minutes to pout, grieve and shed a tear before moving on.  The best part was sharing with people that I currently work with that I didn't get it and several responded, 'whew, that means you're staying?  Good for us!" So this isn't an ending, just a minor blip.  Interesting week to say the least, I missed two days of running with a sore knee and ankle after a spill in the parking lot on the way into the office on Thursday.  Yikes, that was scary.  At least I didn't hit my chin!  Bit of road rash on my knee and ankle, some Advil and ice and I should be good to go. I'm happy to have a long weekend to get my intentions for next week in order, and return on Tuesday ready to make a difference.  Yup, that's what I'll do.


I made several promises to myself last weekend.  And I'm proud to have kept them. 1)  Reconnect with several girlfriends. 2)  Write two thank you notes to people at work for jobs well-done. 3)  Run more. And it feels good.  I have a couple of sync-ups with friends - and I mean GOOD friends that I miss when I don't see them.  I spent several minutes first thing this morning drafting a couple of thank you notes that not only made the person and their boss feel great, it made me feel good too. And I ran. Saturday - 3 miles Sunday - 3 miles Monday - 3miles Wednesday - 4miles

Enjoy today

This week was pretty darn good, if I do say so myself.  I was solo-parenting it while my husband was traveling on business.  School began this week, along with activities - school open house, swim lessons, and throw in a dinner out to celebrate the first day of school and a wonderful evening with a girlfriend for snacks and wine on the patio!  Whew! And I ran. And it felt wonderful. Two promises I made to myself today:  run more, even I don't want to AND believe in myself without looking for affirmation. And I ran. Boy, did it feel good. I felt accomplished and happy this week.  And I believe this coming week is going to be even better!

Gladness and sadness

I am glad to be alive.  No, I didn't have a near-death experience.  It's been an amazingly emotional and exhausting week for several reasons.  And I sit here completely grateful for the life I have, knowing I will continue to find the joy in every place I'm able. There was a suicide at my place of employment this week.  No, I didn't know the person or why she chose to end her life.  News like that stops you in your tracks.  Why? .... I can say that like many other times, the kindness of people is what enables us to endure.  An event such as that bonds those who are there and need to process the news.  I will continue to say I have amazing people in my life ... and the circle continues to expand. As all that took place on Thursday, I was preparing for a promotional opportunity series of interviews on Friday.  Talk about stress.  Some of the same wonderful, supportive people who buoyed the mood on Thursday were there for me on Frid...

Throwback Thursday

I'm celebrating all I've enjoyed and endured to get where I am.  I can go back two years, five years, ten years .. and know that I am more content, braver and happier than in the past.  I am here.  Exactly where I am supposed to be .. and for a reason.  I'm supposed to be having all these experiences, at exactly this time. I'm so happy to be a mom to my amazing daughter, wife to my best friend, committed to my career, friends I care deeply about and lots of awesome activities that keep me active~ Here's to where I've been, and to where I'm headed! Spring - 2010 Unhappy, out-of-shape, living in an area I wasn't happy in Keeping a smile on my face to try to hide the pain. Summer - 2013 Jump forward 3 years and it appears to be a lifetime! So much more content, in better shape and loving my life! And it SHOWS!

What's possible

I love when I'm able to achieve something that I didn't think possible.  It reminds me that each day is full of possible.  I set a few goals in motion at the beginning of this year.  Some more lofty than others.  Yet achievable goals nonetheless. Let's just say I'm still working on the 25 pounds that I had hoped to get rid of by the end of May.  It was looking more like 5 pounds, and since it's now August and it's been a bumpy ride lately ... I'm sure they've found me again.  But I'll own that. The other two goals were professional.  And I'm moving closer to both of them .. closer than I've ever been to one, and absolutely possible for the other one.  I'm full of possible these days! It reminds me that I need to face each day knowing I am enough, I am capable and the day is full of possibility!  And my action is to remind myself that each and every day!  Ahhhh, the possible!!

Take chances, be brave

If I thought July 26th felt weird, now it's August 3rd and it seems as though the summer is flying by.  As everyone else's summer, ours too has been busy, stressful, frustrating and rewarding.  I'm trying to focus on remembering what is in my control and put aside what is not.  For me, that's not easy! I've also had the opportunity to be brave, take chances and risk leaving my safe spot.  That too is terrifying and rewarding.  Sometimes the reward doesn't come for quite some time AFTER the risk.  But I need to keep practicing. For a long time I've appreciated a passage from Spoon River Analogy, George Gray.   It reminds me that although the shore is safe from storms, a ship is made to sail ..... That in order to reap the reward of the wind in your face and the spray of the ocean you must take chances and leave the safety of the shore. So this is what I intend to do.  I have several in flight things going on in my professional life ... an...