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Showing posts from July, 2013

How can today be July 26th already?

Where has the summer gone?  I can list a variety of activities and now our summer vacation that are behind me, but have I really enjoyed my days?  Is it about the busyness, or is it about the enjoyment? I can say that we've eaten much better the last couple months (minus the car trip from the mid-west to the east coast and back) ...lots of wonderful veggies, salads, lean proteins .. that the entire family has enjoyed.  And I take that back about the car trip - we found ways to include Subway sandwiches en route - gone are the days of McDonald's!) I've been managing to run at least a day or two a week.  Although I'd like to be at 5 days a week, I'm not there yet.  I'm studying hard for this upcoming exam on August 5th, and I'm confident this is going to be a first-time pass! I continue to balance being #brave with filling myself with gratitude.  Some days I'm grateful for having been brave.  My darling daughter is truly enjoying her summer - w...


I found myself in an unfamiliar and uncomfortable place this week.  It's taken me days to process what occurred, how I responded and how I'm choosing to move forward. In a professional environment, during an ordinary 3pm de-brief meeting I found myself being verbally attacked and disrespected by a bully.  I remained calm, spoke my mind carefully and respectfully.  It was surprising and over the next few days became increasingly unsettling. There were others in the room, and no one spoke to support me.  It has struck me as so odd, hurtful and profoundly unacceptable. Like any good drama episode written by Aaron Sorkin or JJ Abrams, let's rewind to 8 hours earlier. Once again browsing new selections in iTunes for my running mix.  I know, I get bored easily, huh?  I love how the music motivates me so I'm always on the lookout for new and upbeat songs.  I came across a feature for the new Sara Bareilles album streaming for free this weekend, so I b...

Long Weekend!

I've celebrated having 4 days off in a row by getting back to running and making great food in the kitchen.  Also had to put some time in studying, and I'm feeling pretty good about that progress too! With the husband off to a poker night on Saturday I found myself with quiet time without the dreaded t.v. on so I pulled out a couple books that I was determined to finish ... which I did.  And when I completed those I reached for a new one, "The Runner's Guide to the Meaning of Life," by Amby Burfoot. He wrote chapters about running and paralleled them with life.  It was great use of association. The first chapter that allowed me to think differently was the one on Starting Lines.  "Beginnings are like that - both frightening and rewarding....Starting lines are the most important stations in life.  We need to do more than avoid them. We need to actively seek them out.  Otherwise we grow stagnant..." The other chapter that just made sense to me wa...

Practicing Kindness

Back at it.  A week after my last run, and in the middle throw in Strep throat  with 4 days of antibiotics, 2 days out of work, 1 National Holiday and a planned vacation day... whew!  And what a week it's been. Got 3 miles in today.  Slow and steady never felt so good.  Great playlist and off I went.  Family went to the pool and I'm happy to have some time for me.  After a run, quick shower and water refill I'll be off to replace some flowers in the planters that the rabbits have eaten!  It will be a satisfying chore. Today I'm practicing kindness.  Extra kindness that is.  For myself, for my husband, daughter and people I encounter.  I'm glad to be feeling good again, so I want to keep this feeling going.  Let's see how often and how good I can feel by intentionally practicing kindness!

I am enough - encore!

So I'm enough.  Yup, that we've determined.  And of course that works great when I decided in a vacuum and called out why I am enough ... but what happens when a friend lets you down.  What happens when you're disappointed by someone who you gave freely and fully of yourself? Hmmm, good one. Just because they didn't respond in kind, doesn't mean that I'm not enough.  I am enough.  For me.  Not for the world, friends, family and foes to judge and decide.  That's the part that doesn't matter.  I'm not trying to be enough for them .. they have to carry their own load, right?  I think so too. As I remind my darling daughter, respond from a kind and caring heart.  I will do this too.  To the friend who is struggling with decisions and finding kindness to give.  I'll give some to you - from my kind and caring heart.  Cause you know what?  I am enough!

i am enough

At Jill Conyers suggestion , my effort to make this EPIC and my whole-hearted belief that I AM ENOUGH here goes ... Here's how I know 'i am enough' My daughter loves to hug me even after a sweaty run. I am content sitting in the sun on the back patio with my water bottle as a cool down. The food prepared in my kitchen is done with love and feeds a hungry family. And it goes deeper than that .. I am enough because I give of myself openly and freely. I strive to maintain a strong, healthy life for myself and my family. I love my work and the people who contribute to that on a daily basis. The sound of laughter after dinner in our family room is the best relaxation on the planet. I am hard on myself and my running - not fast enough, not long enough.  But 'i am enough' because this is who I am. I AM ENOUGH!  I smile as I type it, not in disbelief, but in full agreement.  I AM ENOUGH! That will be the way I finish my next run ... fully, openly...