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Showing posts from May, 2014

30-Day Ab Challenge - I'm IN!

Here's the link to the FB page featuring the above challenge. No, it's not my challenge.  Although I am prepared to participate!  Yes, you heard it here.  I'm doing it.  Might have something to do with the fact that it begins the day AFTER my birthday.  UhhFFT!  I'll need some motivation to continue my fitness journey .. especially marking off another year! Perhaps it's your time to participate too!  I'll post progress reports so I'll not only be accountable, but will also have someplace to keep track of how I'm feeling. 30-Day Ab Challenge - here I come!

How to get out of an EPIC funk!

This morning I woke to a funk.  Yes, mine.  Reasons to me were relatively clear.  Relationships in my life that are not working.  Lingering fear.  Dissatisfaction in my primary relationship.  To be honest seems like the same stuff that's been hanging on for the last six months. Today felt heavy.  Too heavy for a holiday. How do I push through it?  Cause it seems that I'm unable to go around it. Again. A holiday means every one is home with me.  So solitude is not really the answer.  But writing is. So how did I get out of an epic funk this morning.  I got honest with myself.  And I cried.  Cause feelings hurt.  And people disappoint.  Yet somehow, someway life moves on. I got honest with myself by writing about it.  Detailing what was troubling me into this place and what I saw as the way out.  I gave myself permission to be honest.  Even though it wasn't simple or fascinating.  ...

Beginnings in action!

So yesterday was the first day at the new job ... came with lots of trepidation and angst.  New drive, new place to park, new people ... EVERYTHING is new!  So I embrace the change - and dive into the newness of the whole thing! I CAN DO THIS! And I did! It was awesome ... and exhausting.  And yet this morning I got up early and ran my two miles already!  And then experimented with a new smoothie.  What is going on, right?  It feels good.  To have a the run behind me and ready to face the day! Ripe mango, diced two carrots, shredded apple, diced flax seed grated ginger water Running, making smoothies ... and exhausted at night.  This is a good combination! More to come ...

New Beginnings ..

With this being our first weekend at the new house in Texas, I thought it appropriate to begin again.  On lots of fronts.  Eating, running, meditation, you name it - it feels new to me!  My new job starts tomorrow - which is new people, new responsibilities, new route to the office and much more! Here's what I know for sure: 1)  I feel better when I work out regularly 2)  I feel even better when I combine that with lots of water and clean eating So if I know that much, why haven't I committed to it completely?  Oh that!  Well let's just say life is a series of beginnings, of decisions that are made daily - and often for me, moment to moment! This weekend I filled the house full of healthy fruits, veggies and lean meats and whole grains.  The family seems pleased and even complimented me on such a colorful dinner last night!  This morning, Mother's Day - I got the Nutribullet out and combined my veggies for a green breakfast! ha...

Another life changer!

And now the second book that has helped me on my path .. 10% Happier by Dan Harris is his experience with meditation.  He is humorous, witty and truly honest.  It makes my meditation practice feel much more normal than I expected.  He's got a voice that reminds me that none of this is perfect.  What matters is that we keep going. Interesting, that's what I learned through Carry On, Warrior.  Common theme ... And the real life changer for me was the discovery on my phone to enable my meditation practice.  I have a timer!  Who knew!  Apparently everyone else but me.  Great thing is, now I'm using it during my meditation.  I began setting it for five minutes the first few days, and then moved to 10 and now 15 minutes.  I have the timer set with the "Twinkle" chime which is not disruptive, but gently reminds me that the time is now complete. The first time I used it I set for five minutes, closed my eyes and took a breath. ...