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Showing posts from 2012

Finish Strong!

5 miles!  That's the longest I've gone it awhile.  And to be honest I had to bargain with myself to actually get going today.  I put it off and then almost used my family as an excuse.  But I'm so glad I didn't. Time to set some intentions with the family at dinner.  Having a healthy dinner, lots of water and I found a family-friendly fill in sheet for New Years remembering and setting goals.  I thought we'd talk about it over dinner as a family and make an impactful toast for the New Year.

Preparation ..

Today I woke feeling awful.  Head cold, headache, just plain lousy.  I got up and drank water, and then diluted juice, two Tylenol and then more rest.  Lots of guilt accompanied that rest.  Should be running, should be doing, should be, should be should be. But I didn't. I rested. And I honestly felt a bit better in a few hours.  More water, juice and not moving my head too quickly. That's what I get for listening to my body. So in preparation for 2013 I thought I'd use this 'home' time to clean out and reorganize.  Christmas is put away, with Amazing Husband's help, outgrown clothes sorted through to make room for new ones in #1Daughter's closet ... deep breath.... and then onto laundry, dishwasher and the awful junk drawers! Since I don't have the energy or enthusiasm for the grocery store today I took care to make a good list for tomorrow.  Meal planning, snack planning and ready to kick-off a healthy 2013 gave me the momentum to get t...

My feet scream Saucony!

First run with the new Saucony's .  Felt good, we'll give it a few more tries before I make the final judgment.  The guy told me that the design changed drastically from the ones I had previously, but not to worry about what changed, just run in them.  So far, so good. Today instead of 4 miles, I did a 5K distance.  Mainly because I was watching an episode of Grey's Anatomy on NetFlix and it only lasts that long.  I contemplated another episode, but have been nursing a headache all day so I didn't want to push it.  I do feel okay now.  I wasn't as fast today, but I feel good that I did it anyway. Over the next few days, I'm preparing to write ... the annual year wrap-up, the good, the bad, the tearful.  And to detail some ambitions, where I want to be this time next year and what I can to in making it happen.  I believe in me.  And I love making others believe in themselves too.  It's an amazing energy that comes from it.

Mama needs a new pair of shoes!

So off I went ... on a Friday afternoon to the local running & biking store. For some reason I've been putting off a trip there.  Here's the thing.  In Charlottesville, I had this wonderful little running shop that I loved, the  Ragged Mountain Running Shop . They were kind and helpful, never making me feel like I should be running longer distances or faster ... they were just happy that I was running and wanted to do whatever they could to make it a better experience for me. The had me run in front of them.  Judged my gait and adjusted for my overpronation and suggested just the right shoe to try on.  And I stuck with them the second time too!  That pair I bought on our way out of town moving from Charlottesville to Central IL since I wasn't sure what I'd find when I got here. So off today I went to the new store, Often Running for another running shoe buying experience! The man who waiting on me was friendly, helpful and very observant....

Anticipation ..

What I need to remember is I am a better performer with a challenge.  I am results-driven and respond to someone (including me) telling me I can't do something.  The goal then is to prove that statement wrong!  I'd been discouraged in this free-fall from Thanksgiving to Christmas, telling myself I'd never be motivated the way I'd been during the Fall.  Good eating, running 5 days a week - racking up 15-20 miles a week - all seemed out of reach post-free fall. Today is different.  My schedule currently allows for running time in the evening - unless I get sidetracked.  Tonight I was not sidetracked.  In fact, I looked forward to running all day.  I couldn't wait to get home and lace up my running shoes.  Weird, huh? I spent more time thinking about how to continue positive choices.  On a way around campus today, I thought of ways to incorporate more protein and whole grains into my meals.  I walked briskly to music, smiling at pe...

The Journey of 100 miles begins with one step!

As I search to create accountability and momentum in this next leg of the journey,  I begin right here.  This morning when I awoke I knew it would be different.  The downward spiral of holiday eating and too-busy-for-running-regularly pattern is over.  This has been the pattern since Thanksgiving and ends right now. Today I managed 4 miles.  They were not nearly as 'fast' as I had hoped, and 'fast' is a relative term for me.  I'm a mere 5'3" tall (again a misnomer at best), who's pace on a good day is 12:00min/mile.  Today was closer to 15:00.  But this is just the beginning ..... I spent some of the morning tracking down healthier food ideas - family meals, snacks, post-workout meals.  I pinned to a new board, "New Year, New You," which seemed appropriate even though it is only December 26th!   I also found motivational blogs and articles that helped me realize this is now my reality. The book on my bedside is now nearer to me. ...