Sometimes I find that I get distracted. I choose to focus on something that keeps me from something else. Those are choices I've made that impact other things. At the time the outcome of those choices is not always known. Isn't that the interesting part though?
My choosing to work on my writing on my experimental blog, I find that I haven't been focused on writing here for my health. What I have been focused on is my mental health. Seems like that should be an ongoing exercise, like running, doesn't it? But sometimes things come to a head and I find I need to make a decision. To go left or go right. Otherwise I'm stuck in a dead end. A place, a behavior, a relationship that isn't going anywhere anymore.
That's when I need to find a map. A suggested course of action in order to make that turn. Through that process I've discovered some great resources online, and increased by to-read book list tenfold! One at a time - that's the only way to make progress!
I've discovered Dan Millman and his Peaceful Warrior Series. I'm reading the Four Purposes of Life and trying to connect some of the dots of where I am to where I want to be. I'm finding the biggest questions are around where I want to be, not really how to get there. It's deciding the path for yourself and then making the plan that matters.
The other part of the Peaceful Warrior is the Life Purpose calculator based on the day you were born. In some of the questions I've been struggling with I found such clarity in this little calculation. I wonder if it works that way for others? Honestly, I guess that doesn't matter. If it brought me clarity that's the one I'm working on these days!
The other crucial resource for me in the past couple weeks is a You Tube video series by Brain Johnson who created Philosopher's Notes. I love the videos because they are not about him, his face doesn't appear. He mind maps on paper, shows you all his notes and brings you his method for discovering purpose and action. Its been revolutionary for me. I love the mind mapping part of it. Although I've yet to truly mind map his technique. I have pages of notes and lots of topics to journal on in order to get me there!
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