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Showing posts from March, 2014


Change comes at a price.  The price of leaving behind feelings, experiences, people, places and habits that may have served you very well for a time.  And then that time is over.  Then it is time to move on and find new people, places, feelings and experiences. Sometimes there is a distinct line when that change happens.  Like a move - when I drive away from the house and again when I begin my new role at work.  And other times things change gradually over a period of time.  Or maybe they've been changing for a while, and the notice of that change happens suddenly. It's all change. That change is hard.  It forces one to embrace the newness, the unknown, the untested waters.  It brings with it the promise of opportunity, and the sadness of an ending.  Those endings are always necessary but rarely easy. This is what I know. Change is inevitable.  The world, our lives are in a constant state of change.  Those changes are ...

Five Things Friday

Old standbys - Saucony - I have 4 pair in the same style in various stages of wear! Nothing better than my coffee and my book in hand! Sometimes you can convince yourself just by being BRAVE! "She was living her purpose…." My iPod for running - "Run Mommy Run.  Love you."

Personal Commandments

I was going through a couple old journals today in search for some information.  There is an adventure in my near future involving a relocation to another state, region of the country and job/role/responsibility.  I'm excited, scared, proud, eager, and sometimes even anxious all at the same time. Perhaps I should cut out caffeine for a while.  At least until after the move.  Nah, what fun would that be? As I perused one of these journals I found a list I'd developed entitled, "Personal Commandments."  Some of them still completely fit.  Do they all still make sense?  Are there others that should be added? I thought it would be a great accountability exercise to list them right here.  And get in the practice of revisiting them to review.  At this point I developed the list about 2 1/2 years ago. And in no particular order: Sow a good seed. Do the right thing. Do it for me. Let it go. Be Jude at 100%. Breath in, breath...


Sometimes I find that I get distracted.  I choose to focus on something that keeps me from something else. Those are choices I've made that impact other things.  At the time the outcome of those choices is not always known.  Isn't that the interesting part though? My choosing to work on my writing on my experimental blog, I find that I haven't been focused on writing here for my health.  What I have been focused on is my mental health.  Seems like that should be an ongoing exercise, like running, doesn't it?  But sometimes things come to a head and I find I need to make a decision.  To go left or go right.  Otherwise I'm stuck in a dead end.  A place, a behavior, a relationship that isn't going anywhere anymore. That's when I need to find a map.  A suggested course of action in order to make that turn.  Through that process I've discovered some great resources online, and increased by to-read book list tenfold!  One at ...